صفحه 1 از 1

آگفا سیستان

ارسال شده: شنبه ۲۷ خرداد ۱۳۹۱, ۵:۳۸ ب.ظ
توسط aminnoura
آگفا سیستان
آگفا سیستان
sistan_new_med.jpg (11.2 KiB) مشاهده 1004 مرتبه
امروز به یه مورد جالب برخورد کردم که توجه من رو به خودش جلب کرد. آگفا سیستان

متن انگلیسی آگفا سیستان:
Agfa Sistan is an image silver stabilizer for black and white materials. Sistan protects films and paper from changes in the silver image caused by environmental effects. These faults initially appear as reddish to yellowish-brown highlight discolorations, and the complete negative may be destroyed by the silver being converted to a colloidal form. Its causes are industrial and traffic fumes, and fumes from heating oil, plastic paints, compressed boarding, cardboard with an acid content, glues, sticky tape, freshly cut PVC and brittle rubber, and also ozone and all substances giving off peroxide.Sistan is recommended as an alternative to Selenium toner for fine art printers who want added archival protection without altering the image tone or density of the print. Sistan can also be used alongside Selenium toner for additional protection.
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